Subject Re: snake report addition
From Charlie <>
Date Thu, 01 Dec 2016 18:24:09 -0500
Newsgroups dbase.getting-started

Hi Mervyn.. Hey thanks... One too many martini's to work on this right now.  But will get to it by the weekend.  Wow you said there was a preview??  That'll be cool!  Thanks..

Mervyn Bick Wrote:

> On 2016-12-01 2:19 AM, Charlie wrote:
> > Hi Mervyn.. Yes dbname is a combination of the day of the week and date which identifies the filter for each tournament.  (We have 3 a week).   Grp is of course the group.
> >
> > The date and day actually come from another table (dbname) but that shouldn't affect this.
> > lname fname are in the detail band in that order.
> >
> > Just filter on dbname and that would give you each individual tourney.  I have no index for this report.
> >
> > The other fields are not really used in this report but another one with the results from each tournament.
> This was quite an interesting exercise and I've learnt a bit more of how
> the report engine works "behind the scenes".
> Attached is a report that uses your golfers_scores table.  Because you
> have many matches in the table you need to be able to tell the report
> which one you want printed.  You could, of course, edit the report file
> every time and change the match name but it is far better to have a
> little form to allow you to select the match and then pass the match to
> the report.
> The form and the report are named mbgolfers_scores so as not to
> overwrite anything if you have used golfers_scores as names.  You can
> change the names of the form and the report if you want to.  It is
> normally a good idea to change the classname if you change the file name
> but it won't cause problems here so don't bother about it.
> You didn't say if you wanted the names shown as "John Doe" or "Doe,
> John" so I've given you both.  Open the report in the designer, select
> the version you don't want and press the delete key.
> I've used preview.wfm from the dUFLP as this gives you the ability to
> print the report once you have viewed it.  If you don't want this
> comment out the line and uncomment the line
> form.rep.render().
> Mervyn.
> ** END HEADER -- do not remove this line
> //
> // Generated on 2016-12-01
> //
> parameter bModal
> local f
> f = new mbgolfers_scoresForm()
> if (bModal)
>    f.mdi = false // ensure not MDI
>    f.readModal()
> else
> endif
> class mbgolfers_scoresForm of FORM
>    with (this)
>       onOpen = class::FORM_ONOPEN
>       height = 16.0
>       left = 58.7143
>       top = 14.6818
>       width = 40.0
>       text = "Print matches"
>    endwith
>    this.GOLFERS_SCORES1 = new QUERY(this)
>    with (this.GOLFERS_SCORES1)
>       left = 4.0
>       sql = 'select distinct dbname,day_w,t_date from "golfers_scores.DBF"'
>       active = true
>    endwith
>    this.COMBOBOX1 = new COMBOBOX(this)
>    with (this.COMBOBOX1)
>       onOpen = class::COMBOBOX1_ONOPEN
>       height = 1.0
>       left = 8.0
>       top = 4.5
>       width = 25.0
>       dataSource = form.golfers_scores1.rowset.fields["dbname"]
>       style = 1        // DropDown
>    endwith
>    this.PUSHBUTTON1 = new PUSHBUTTON(this)
>    with (this.PUSHBUTTON1)
>       onClick = class::PUSHBUTTON1_ONCLICK
>       height = 1.0909
>       left = 11.0
>       top = 11.5
>       width = 15.2857
>       text = "Print report"
>    endwith
>    this.rowset = this.golfers_scores1.rowset
>      function COMBOBOX1_onOpen()
>           this.value = 'Select match'
>           return
>      function PUSHBUTTON1_onClick()
>           form.rowset.applyLocate( "dbname = '" + form.combobox1.value + "'" )
>           form.rep.pagetemplate1.text1.text = form.rowset.fields['day_w'].value
>           form.rep.pagetemplate1.text2.text = form.rowset.fields['t_date'].value
>           form.rep.temp_golfers_scores1.params['dbname'] = form.combobox1.value
>           form.rep.temp_golfers_scores1.requery()
>       //    form.rep.render()
>           return
>      function form_onOpen()
>           set procedure to mbgolfers_scores.rep
>           form.rep = new mbgolfers_scoresReport()
>           set procedure to :duflp:preview.wfm additive
>           form.preview = new PreviewForm()
>           form.preview.bClose = false
>           form.preview.viewer.ref := form.rep
>           return
> endclass
> if file("temp_golfers_scores.dbf")
>    drop table temp_golfers_scores
> endif
> copy table golfers_scores to temp_golfers_scores
> alter table temp_golfers_scores add late_entry boolean
> update temp_golfers_scores set late_entry = false
> insert into temp_golfers_scores (grp,late_entry) values (99,true)
> ** END HEADER -- do not remove this line
> //
> // Generated on 2016-12-01
> //
> local r
> r.render()
>    with (this)
>       metric = 0        // Chars
>       autoSort = false
>    endwith
>    this.TEMP_GOLFERS_SCORES1 = new QUERY(this)
>    with (this.TEMP_GOLFERS_SCORES1)
>       left = 22.0
>       sql = 'select t.*,fname||" "||lname as name1,lname||", "||fname as name2  from "temp_golfers_scores.DBF" t where (dbname = :dbname or late_entry = true ) order by grp,lname '
>       requestLive = false
>       params["dbname"] = "SATURDAY20161203"
>       active = true
>    endwith
>    this.STREAMSOURCE1 = new STREAMSOURCE(this)
>    with (this.STREAMSOURCE1.GROUP1)
>       groupBy = "late_entry"
>    endwith
>    with (this.STREAMSOURCE1.GROUP1.headerBand)
>       preRender = class::HEADERBAND_PRERENDER
>       onRender = class::HEADERBAND_ONRENDER
>       expandable = false
>       height = 1.0
>    endwith
>    with (this.STREAMSOURCE1.GROUP2)
>       groupBy = "grp"
>       headerEveryFrame = true
>    endwith
>    with (this.STREAMSOURCE1.GROUP2.footerBand)
>       onRender = class::FOOTERBAND_ONRENDER
>       height = 1.0
>    endwith
>    this.STREAMSOURCE1.GROUP2.footerBand.TEXT1 = new TEXT(this.STREAMSOURCE1.GROUP2.footerBand)
>    with (this.STREAMSOURCE1.GROUP2.footerBand.TEXT1)
>       canRender = {||false}
>       height = 1.0
>       left = 6.5
>       top = 0.0
>       width = 12.0
>       prefixEnable = false
>       text = "Text1"
>    endwith
>    with (this.STREAMSOURCE1.GROUP2.headerBand)
>       preRender = class::HEADERBAND_PRERENDER1
>       height = 6.0
>    endwith
>    this.STREAMSOURCE1.GROUP2.headerBand.TEXT1 = new TEXT(this.STREAMSOURCE1.GROUP2.headerBand)
>    with (this.STREAMSOURCE1.GROUP2.headerBand.TEXT1)
>       canRender = class::TEXT1_CANRENDER
>       height = 1.0
>       left = 2.5
>       top = 4.25
>       width = 12.0
>       prefixEnable = false
>       alignHorizontal = 2        // Right
>       text = "Match No"
>    endwith
>    this.STREAMSOURCE1.GROUP2.headerBand.TEXTGRP1 = new TEXT(this.STREAMSOURCE1.GROUP2.headerBand)
>    with (this.STREAMSOURCE1.GROUP2.headerBand.TEXTGRP1)
>       canRender = class::TEXTGRP1_CANRENDER
>       height = 1.0
>       left = 16.1667
>       top = 4.25
>       width = 4.0
>       variableHeight = true
>       prefixEnable = false
>       alignHorizontal = 2        // Right
>       picture = "999"
>       text = {||this.form.temp_golfers_scores1.rowset.fields["grp"].value}
>    endwith
>    this.STREAMSOURCE1.GROUP2.headerBand.TEXT2 = new TEXT(this.STREAMSOURCE1.GROUP2.headerBand)
>    with (this.STREAMSOURCE1.GROUP2.headerBand.TEXT2)
>       height = 1.0
>       left = 2.5
>       top = 1.6
>       width = 25.3333
>       prefixEnable = false
>       fontSize = 11.0
>       fontBold = true
>       text = "Additional matches"
>    endwith
>    with (this.STREAMSOURCE1.detailBand)
>       onRender = class::DETAILBAND_ONRENDER
>       height = 0.8333
>    endwith
>    this.STREAMSOURCE1.detailBand.TEXTNAME11 = new TEXT(this.STREAMSOURCE1.detailBand)
>    with (this.STREAMSOURCE1.detailBand.TEXTNAME11)
>       height = 0.9767
>       left = 0.0
>       top = 0.0267
>       width = 21.1667
>       variableHeight = true
>       prefixEnable = false
>       text = {||this.form.temp_golfers_scores1.rowset.fields["name1"].value}
>    endwith
>    this.STREAMSOURCE1.detailBand.TEXTNAME21 = new TEXT(this.STREAMSOURCE1.detailBand)
>    with (this.STREAMSOURCE1.detailBand.TEXTNAME21)
>       height = 0.9767
>       left = 25.3333
>       top = 0.0267
>       width = 20.8334
>       variableHeight = true
>       prefixEnable = false
>       text = {||this.form.temp_golfers_scores1.rowset.fields["name2"].value}
>    endwith
>    with (this.printer)
>       duplex = 1        // None
>       orientation = 1        // Portrait
>       paperSource = 7
>       paperSize = 9
>       resolution = 3        // Medium
>       color = 2        // Color
>       trueTypeFonts = 1        // Bitmap
>    endwith
>    this.PAGETEMPLATE1 = new PAGETEMPLATE(this)
>    with (this.PAGETEMPLATE1)
>       height = 56.1233
>       width = 132.2778
>       marginTop = 3.6
>       marginLeft = 12.0
>       marginBottom = 3.6
>       marginRight = 12.0
>       gridLineWidth = 0
>    endwith
>       height = 43.0
>       left = 3.8334
>       top = 4.0
>       width = 50.0
>       form.STREAMFRAME1 = form.pagetemplate1.streamframe1
>    endwith
>       height = 43.0
>       left = 56.3333
>       top = 4.0
>       width = 50.0
>       form.STREAMFRAME2 = form.pagetemplate1.streamframe2
>    endwith
>    with (this.PAGETEMPLATE1.TEXT1)
>       height = 1.0
>       left = 6.3334
>       top = 1.8
>       width = 14.0
>       prefixEnable = false
>       text = "Day"
>       form.TEXT1 = form.pagetemplate1.text1
>    endwith
>    with (this.PAGETEMPLATE1.TEXT2)
>       height = 1.0
>       left = 21.5001
>       top = 1.75
>       width = 12.0
>       prefixEnable = false
>       text = "Date"
>       form.TEXT2 = form.pagetemplate1.text2
>    endwith
>    with (this.reportGroup.footerBand)
>       height = 0.8333
>    endwith
>    this.firstPageTemplate = this.form.pagetemplate1
>    this.form.pagetemplate1.nextPageTemplate = this.form.pagetemplate1
>    this.form.pagetemplate1.streamframe1.streamSource = this.form.streamsource1
>    this.form.pagetemplate1.streamframe2.streamSource = this.form.streamsource1
>    this.form.streamsource1.rowset = this.form.temp_golfers_scores1.rowset
>    function DETAILBAND_onRender()
>           this.parent.group2.footerband.text1.text :=  this.renderOffset
>       return
>    function FOOTERBAND_onRender()
>      //group2 footerband.
>      //check if there is enough space for another match.  If not go to a new fame
>            if  this.parent.parent.parent.streamframe1.height - this.parent.footerband.text1.text <  8
>                         this.parent.headerband.beginNewframe := true
>                 else
>                         this.parent.headerband.beginNewframe := false
>                 endif    
>       return
>     function HEADERBAND_onRender()
>       //group1 headerband
>      //Check if there is enough space for additional matches.  If not force group2 headerband to a new frame
>      //Adjust the value if necessary
>            if  this.parent.parent.parent.streamframe1.height - this.parent.parent.group2.footerband.text1.text <  12
>                         this.parent.parent.group2.headerband.beginNewframe := true
>                 else
>                         this.parent.parent.group2.headerband.beginNewframe := false
>                 endif          
>       return
>    function HEADERBAND_preRender()
>         //group1 headerband
>         //Set height to 0 here so that the headerband shows in the designer
>        this.height  := 0
>         return
>    function HEADERBAND_preRender1()
>       //group2 headerband
>           if this.parent.parent.parent.temp_golfers_scores1.rowset.fields["late_entry"].value = true
>               //Resize the group2 headerband  and show "Late entries"  text and hide the match no
>                this.beginNewframe := true
>                this.text2.height := 1
>       := 1
>       := 0
>       := 0
>                this.height := 3
>            else
>               //Resize the group2 headerband and hide the "Late entries" text.
>               this.text2.height := 0
>      := 0
>       := 2
>       := 2    
>                this.height := 3
>             endif      
>       return
>    function TEXT1_canRender()
>      //Don't print for dummy match 99
>      local lRet
>       lRet = true
>       if this.parent.textgrp1.text() =' 99'
>          lRet = false
>        endif  
>       return lRet
>      function TEXTGRP1_canRender()
>      //Don't print for dummy match 99
>      local lRet
>       lRet = true
>       if this.text() = 99
>           lRet = false
>       endif    
>       return lRet
> endclass