Subject Re: snake report addition
From Mervyn Bick <invalid@invalid.invalid>
Date Wed, 30 Nov 2016 16:17:16 +0200
Newsgroups dbase.getting-started

On 2016-11-30 2:08 PM, Charlie wrote:
> The structure?
> Structure for table   C:\dbasewin\golf\golfers_scores.dbf
> Table type            DBASE
> Version               4
> Number of rows        109
> Last update           11/30/2016
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Field  Field Name                        Type          Length  Dec  Index
>     1  LNAME                             CHARACTER         17           N
>     2  FNAME                             CHARACTER         15           N
>     3  GRP                               NUMERIC            2           Y
>     4  HDCP                              NUMERIC            2           N
>     5  DBNAME                            CHARACTER         20           N
>     6  PLC                               NUMERIC            2           N
>     7  NET                               NUMERIC            3           Y
>     8  GRS                               NUMERIC            3           N

Thanks but the actual table would be more useful.   If you consider the
data to be confidential then an empty table.  This will save me from
having to build the table from scratch.

Which fields go on the detailband and which fields go on the header?  Do
you want the name shown as John Doe or Doe, John?  Do all 109 play very
time or does one of the fields show then entries for the week. Perhaps
