Subject Marrying forms
From Charlie <>
Date Tue, 18 Oct 2016 13:04:46 -0400
Newsgroups dbase.getting-started

Probably a question I should have asked a long time ago but this is the situation:

We have a menu form.  Of course when you push a certain selection a form pops up with the menu form.

Is there a way to connect the two so that they won't separate when using other programs on the computer?  

For instance my menu form is open and I select a menu item in inventory control and that form opens up.  Then I go to a different program and do some work with both the menu form and inventory

I go to the task bar to show the open forms and they are separate.  I can choose one or the other.  But actually I should only have one choice and they would both pop up together.  Not sure if this is the way they are supposed to work or if there is a way of marrying them so that they appear together with the menu form in the background.

Hope I didn't confuse anyone.  I'm sort of confused! :)