Subject create table
From Charlie <>
Date Fri, 22 Jul 2016 20:00:30 -0400
Newsgroups dbase.getting-started

Hi... In creating a table is there any way you can name it based on variables?  This is what I am trying to do below and it doesn't seem to want to work.  It only works if I create table nname and then the name is nname instead of the day of the week and date.  Thanks..

function PUSHBUTTON2_onClick()
           dw = trim(form.day_date1.rowset.fields["day_w"].value)
                dt = trim(dtos(form.day_date1.rowset.fields["t_date"].value))
                nname = dw+dt
      close databases
                create table nname+".dbf" (;
                lname char(17), ;
                fname char(15), ;
                hdcp numeric(2,0), ;
                grs numeric(2,0), ;
                net numeric(2,0), ;
                plc numeric(2,0))