Subject Re: Copying text...
From Mervyn Bick <invalid@invalid.invalid>
Date Tue, 21 Jun 2016 11:52:05 +0200
Newsgroups dbase.getting-started
Attachment(s) list1.DBFMAKE_HTML_PRICELIST.prgmake_lists.prgmake_temp_tables.prg

On 21/06/2016 00:27, Charlie wrote:
>> If this produces a temporary table with the year and price without
>> decimals I'll change the two programs for you.
> That's OK.. It works great.  I am overwhelmed with happiness!!  Thanks very much!!! Will save me mucho timeo!!! (And I learned some stuff!!!)

It took a while but at least we got there.  :-)  The only thing you
still need to do is to sort out the selection criteria for American
Flyer, Marx and Lionel sub-section price lists.  It should be quite
straightforward but it may take a while as there are 43 to do.  Although
they will be different many of them will probably be similar with only
the value to match being different.  If this is the case you should be
able to do most of the heavy lifting by copying and pasting and then
just changing the search value.

The program make_temp_tables.prg now creates tables with the fields
part_no, title, grade, yr and asell1.   Yr and asell1 contain integer
values.  The part_no field is only used to order the temporary table and
it is not used to create the HTML file.  You can, therefore, continue to
use your original XDML code to produce temporary tables while you sort
out the selection criteria for make_temp_tables.prg.  You will, however,
need to ensure that you use the name for the temporary file as given in
the attached table list1 and you will need to use title, grade, yr and
asell1 as the fieldnames.  Yr and asell1 must be integers.  You may need
to change the data type for these fields in your temporary file to LONG
to get rid of the decimal point values in these fields when the HTML
file is generated.

make_lists.prg has been changed so that it only creates the HTML file if
the appropriate temporary file exists.  You can, therefore, make the
temporary files using a combination of make_temp_tables.prg and your old
code.  Each temporary file is deleted after the HTML file s created.

The HTML file names will have mb as a prefix.  A global replace to
change ("mb to (" in make_lists.prg will get rid of the prefix.

If there is only one temporary file, only one HTML file will be created
by make_lists.prg so you can create your price lists one by one as you
did in the past if you want to.  Once you have sorted out the selection
criteria for make_temp_tables.prg though you will be able to create all
your price lists literally in seconds by running the two programs in

make_temp_tables.prg will create 5 tables until you sort out selection
criteria for the rest.  How long does it take to run and how long does
make_lists.prg take to run?  From these figures you will be able to get
a good idea of how long it will eventually take to create the 48 price
lists.  It has got to beat doing them one by one. :-)


function make_html_pricelist(cFile,cListname,cTable)
   nEndYear = 1900 //year(date())-5
   cGendate = dtoc(date())
   f = new file()
   f.puts('<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">')
   f.puts([<title>Free Electric Train Price Guide</title>])
   f.puts([<meta name="description" content="Electric Train Price Guide">])
   f.puts([<meta name="keywords" content="price guide, electric train price guide, train price book, trains, electric, tinplate, toy train set, miniature railroad, pre war, american flyer pre war, american flyer o gauge, american flyer 3 rail, american flyer o scale, O-27,k-line">])
   f.puts([<meta name="rating" content="general">])
   f.puts([<meta name="revisit-after" content="31 Days">])
   f.puts([<meta name="expires" content="never">])
   f.puts([<meta name="distribution" content="global">])
   f.puts([<meta name="" content="index,follow">])
   f.puts([<BODY BGCOLOR="#000080" TEXT="#000000" ALINK="#000000" VLINK="#0033ff" LINK="#0033ff">])
   f.puts([<TABLE HEIGHT="80%" BORDER="0" align= center bgcolor = "#ffffff" cellpadding = "10">])
   f.puts([        <TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="600" align=center>])
   f.puts([<table align="center" border="0" width="95%">])
   f.puts([<td width="1220">])
   f.puts([<p><A HREF="" target = "_new"><IMG SRC="" BORDER="0"alt=""></A></p>])
   f.puts([<td width = "100%" align = "right" nowrap><A HREF="" TARGET="_new"><img SRC="" ALIGN="right" valign = "center" BORDER = "1" alt=" Click here if you have trains for sale!"</a></td>])
   f.puts([<CENTER><HR WIDTH="400" SIZE="3"><P>])
   f.puts([<b>  <font face="Arial,Helvetica" SIZE="5">Free Electric Train Price Guide<BR></font></b>])
   f.puts([<FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="1">(To print:  Right click on list, then click print in the pop-up menu.)<P></FONT></center>])
   f.puts([<FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="2">Items shown on this list are not for sale.  This is a price guide generated from our database based on past sales history.  Items appearing in this guide have been sold and are no longer in our inventory.  To view our current inventory please check out <A HREF="" TARGET="_new"></A> or <A HREF="" TARGET="_new"></A>.  Thanks for using our guides.<P></FONT>])
   f.puts([<FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="3">])
   f.puts([<center>This free <A HREF="">electric train Price Guide</A> brought to you by:<BR>])
   f.puts([<A HREF="" TARGET="_new"><B></B></A> and <A HREF="" TARGET="_new"><B></B></A>])
   f.puts([<FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="-8">])
   f.puts([<table  cellpadding=3 border = "1" width = "50%">])
   f.puts([<td align=center><FONT FACE="Arial">]+cListName+[</FONT></A></td>])
   f.puts([<td align=center><FONT FACE="Arial">Generated ]+cGendate+[</FONT></td>])
   ******************* Build pricelist ***************
   q = new query()
   q.sql = 'select title,;
     yr ,;
     asell1 from "'+cTable+'"  ;
     where yr > '+nEndYear = true
   f.puts([<FONT FACE="Arial">])
   f.puts([<table style="font face:=Arial;text-align: left;width: 90% ;height = 150px ;" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0">])
   f.puts([<th style="text-align: left;"><small>DESCRIPTION</small></th>])
   f.puts([<th style="text-align: left;"><small>GRADE</small></th>])
   f.puts([<th style="text-align: right;"><small>YEAR</small></th>])
   f.puts([<th style="text-align: right;"><small>PRICE</small></th>])

   do while not q.rowset.endofset    
      f.puts([<td style="text-align: left; width: 55%;"><small>]+q.rowset.fields["title"].value+[</small></td>])
      f.puts([<td style="text-align: left; width: 27%;"><small>]+q.rowset.fields["grade"].value+[</small></td>])
      f.puts([<td style="text-align: right; width: 8%;"><small>]+q.rowset.fields["yr"].value+[</small></td>])
      f.puts([<td style="text-align: right; width: 10%;"<small>]+q.rowset.fields["asell1"].value+[</small></td>])
   f.puts([</font>]) = false
   ***************** End of pricelist *********************
   f.puts([<CENTER><FONT FACE="arial" SIZE="-1">])
   f.puts([<table border ="0" width = "100%" cellpadding ="3">])
   f.puts([<td  align=center>])
   f.puts([<FONT FACE="arial" SIZE="2">])
   f.puts([<A HREF="index.html"><B>Home</B></A>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<A HREF="read.html"><B>About this guide</B></A>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<A HREF=""><B>Visit</B></A>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<A HREF=""><B>Visit</B></A>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<A HREF=""><B>Contact Us</B></a>])
   f.puts([<table border ="0" width = "60%"  cellpadding ="3">])
   f.puts([<td  align=center width="100%">])
   f.puts([<FONT FACE="arial" SIZE="2">])
   f.puts([<CENTER>All rights reserved.</CENTER>])
   f.puts([<A HREF="" target = "_new">])
   f.puts([<IMG SRC="" BORDER="1" alt="Visit"></A>])
   return true

s = seconds()
if file("data\temp_pkline.dbf")
   ? "K-Line Electric Trains"
   make_html_pricelist("mbpkline.html","K-Line Electric Trains","data\temp_pkline")
   drop table "data\temp_pkline"
if file("data\temp_pllgb.dbf")
   ? "LGB Trains"
   make_html_pricelist("mbpllgb.html","LGB Trains","data\temp_pllgb")
   drop table "data\temp_pllgb"
if file("data\temp_pmth.dbf")
   ? "Mike's Train House"
   make_html_pricelist("mbpmth.html","Mike's Train House","data\temp_pmth")
   drop table "data\temp_pmth"
if file("data\temp_plwe.dbf")
   ? "Weaver Trains"
   make_html_pricelist("mbplwe.html","Weaver Trains","data\temp_plwe")
   drop table "data\temp_plwe"
if file("data\temp_plwi.dbf")
   ? "Williams Trains"
   make_html_pricelist("mbplwi.html","Williams Trains","data\temp_plwi")
   drop table "data\temp_plwi"
if file("data\temp_pgafpre.dbf")
   ? "American Flyer Pre War (1906-1946)"
   make_html_pricelist("mbpgafpre.html","American Flyer Pre War (1906-1946)","data\temp_pgafpre")
   drop table "data\temp_pgafpre"
if file("data\temp_pgafs.dbf")
   ? "American Flyer S Gauge (1946-1966)"
   make_html_pricelist("mbpgafs.html","American Flyer S Gauge (1946-1966)","data\temp_pgafs")
   drop table "data\temp_pgafs"
if file("data\temp_pgafmpcn.dbf")
   ? "American Flyer Modern (1979-Current)"
   make_html_pricelist("mbpgafmpcn.html","American Flyer Modern (1979-Current)","data\temp_pgafmpcn")
   drop table "data\temp_pgafmpcn"
if file("data\temp_pgafpap.dbf")
   ? "American Flyer Paper"
   make_html_pricelist("mbpgafpap.html","American Flyer Paper","data\temp_pgafpap")
   drop table "data\temp_pgafpap"
if file("data\temp_plmxjl.dbf")
   ? "Marx Joy Line"
   make_html_pricelist("mbplmxjl.html","Marx Joy Line","data\temp_plmxjl")
   drop table "data\temp_plmxjl"
if file("data\temp_plmxen.dbf")
   ? "Marx Engines"
   make_html_pricelist("mbplmxen.html","Marx Engines","data\temp_plmxen")
   drop table "data\temp_plmxen"
if file("data\temp_plmxpa.dbf")
   ? "Marx Passenger Cars"
   make_html_pricelist("mbplmxpa.html","Marx Passenger Cars","data\temp_plmxpa")
   drop table "data\temp_plmxpa"
if file("data\temp_plmxrsf.dbf")
   ? "Marx 4 Wheel Rolling Stock"
   make_html_pricelist("mbplmxrsf.html","Marx 4 Wheel Rolling Stock","data\temp_plmxrsf")
   drop table "data\temp_plmxrsf"
if file("data\temp_plmxrse.dbf")
   ? "Marx 8 Wheel Rolling Stock"
   make_html_pricelist("mbplmxrse.html","Marx 8 Wheel Rolling Stock","data\temp_plmxrse")
   drop table "data\temp_plmxrse"
if file("data\temp_plmxac.dbf")
   ? "Marx Accessories"
   make_html_pricelist("mbplmxac.html","Marx Accessories","data\temp_plmxac")
   drop table "data\temp_plmxac"
if file("data\temp_plmxts.dbf")
   ? "Marx Track & Supplies"
   make_html_pricelist("mbplmxts.html","Marx Track & Supplies","data\temp_plmxts")
   drop table "data\temp_plmxts"
if file("data\temp_plmxtr.dbf")
   ? "Marx Transformers"
   make_html_pricelist("mbplmxtr.html","Marx Transformers","data\temp_plmxtr")
   drop table "data\temp_plmxtr"
if file("data\temp_plmxst.dbf")
   ? "Marx Sets"
   make_html_pricelist("mbplmxst.html","Marx Sets","data\temp_plmxst")
   drop table "data\temp_plmxst"
if file("data\temp_plmxho.dbf")
   ? "Marx HO Gauge"
   make_html_pricelist("mbplmxho.html","Marx HO Gauge","data\temp_plmxho")
   drop table "data\temp_plmxho"
if file("data\temp_pllist.dbf")
   ? "Lionel Pre-War Standard Gauge"
   make_html_pricelist("mbpllist.html","Lionel Pre-War Standard Gauge","data\temp_pllist")
   drop table "data\temp_pllist"
if file("data\temp_plpreo.dbf")
   ? "Lionel Pre-War O Gauge"
   make_html_pricelist("mbplpreo.html","Lionel Pre-War O Gauge","data\temp_plpreo")
   drop table "data\temp_plpreo"
if file("data\temp_lionel_pos.dbf")
   ? "Lionel Post War Trains(1945-1969)"
   make_html_pricelist("mblionel_postw.html","Lionel Post War Trains(1945-1969)","data\temp_lionel_pos")
   drop table "data\temp_lionel_pos"
if file("data\temp_plliacp.dbf")
   ? "Lionel Accessories Post War"
   make_html_pricelist("mbplliacp.html","Lionel Accessories Post War","data\temp_plliacp")
   drop table "data\temp_plliacp"
if file("data\temp_pllipwd.dbf")
   ? "Lionel Diesel Engines"
   make_html_pricelist("mbpllipwd.html","Lionel Diesel Engines","data\temp_pllipwd")
   drop table "data\temp_pllipwd"
if file("data\temp_pllielp.dbf")
   ? "Lionel Electric Locos"
   make_html_pricelist("mbpllielp.html","Lionel Electric Locos","data\temp_pllielp")
   drop table "data\temp_pllielp"
if file("data\temp_pllimzp.dbf")
   ? "Lionel Motorized Units"
   make_html_pricelist("mbpllimzp.html","Lionel Motorized Units","data\temp_pllimzp")
   drop table "data\temp_pllimzp"
if file("data\temp_pllipws.dbf")
   ? "Lionel Steam Locomotives"
   make_html_pricelist("mbpllipws.html","Lionel Steam Locomotives","data\temp_pllipws")
   drop table "data\temp_pllipws"
if file("data\temp_pllipcp.dbf")
   ? "Lonel Passenger Cars"
   make_html_pricelist("mbpllipcp.html","Lonel Passenger Cars","data\temp_pllipcp")
   drop table "data\temp_pllipcp"
if file("data\temp_pllirsp.dbf")
   ? "Lionel Rolling Stock"
   make_html_pricelist("mbpllirsp.html","Lionel Rolling Stock","data\temp_pllirsp")
   drop table "data\temp_pllirsp"
if file("data\temp_pllistp.dbf")
   ? "Lionel Sets Post War"
   make_html_pricelist("mbpllistp.html","Lionel Sets Post War","data\temp_pllistp")
   drop table "data\temp_pllistp"
if file("data\temp_lionel_ho.dbf")
   ? "Lionel HO Gauge"
   make_html_pricelist("mblionel_ho.html","Lionel HO Gauge","data\temp_lionel_ho")
   drop table "data\temp_lionel_ho"
if file("data\temp_lionel_mod.dbf")
   ? "Lionel Modern (1970 - Present)"
   make_html_pricelist("mblionel_modern.html","Lionel Modern (1970 - Present)","data\temp_lionel_mod")
   drop table "data\temp_lionel_mod"
if file("data\temp_plliacm.dbf")
   ? "Lionel Accessories Modern"
   make_html_pricelist("mbplliacm.html","Lionel Accessories Modern","data\temp_plliacm")
   drop table "data\temp_plliacm"
if file("data\temp_plliem.dbf")
   ? "Lionel Engines Modern Diesel"
   make_html_pricelist("mbplliem.html","Lionel Engines Modern Diesel","data\temp_plliem")
   drop table "data\temp_plliem"
if file("data\temp_pllielm.dbf")
   ? "Lionel Electric Locos"
   make_html_pricelist("mbpllielm.html","Lionel Electric Locos","data\temp_pllielm")
   drop table "data\temp_pllielm"
if file("data\temp_pllimzm.dbf")
   ? "Lionel Motorized Units MPC"
   make_html_pricelist("mbpllimzm.html","Lionel Motorized Units MPC","data\temp_pllimzm")
   drop table "data\temp_pllimzm"
if file("data\temp_plliems.dbf")
   ? "Lionel Steam Engines (1901-19420"
   make_html_pricelist("mbplliems.html","Lionel Steam Engines (1901-19420","data\temp_plliems")
   drop table "data\temp_plliems"
if file("data\temp_pllipcm.dbf")
   ? "Lionel Modern Passenger Cars"
   make_html_pricelist("mbpllipcm.html","Lionel Modern Passenger Cars","data\temp_pllipcm")
   drop table "data\temp_pllipcm"
if file("data\temp_pllirsm.dbf")
   ? "Lionel Modern Rolling Stock"
   make_html_pricelist("mbpllirsm.html","Lionel Modern Rolling Stock","data\temp_pllirsm")
   drop table "data\temp_pllirsm"
if file("data\temp_pllistm.dbf")
   ? "Lionel Sets Modern"
   make_html_pricelist("mbpllistm.html","Lionel Sets Modern","data\temp_pllistm")
   drop table "data\temp_pllistm"
if file("data\temp_plliocl.dbf")
   ? "Lionel O Gauge Classics"
   make_html_pricelist("mbplliocl.html","Lionel O Gauge Classics","data\temp_plliocl")
   drop table "data\temp_plliocl"
if file("data\temp_pllistcl.dbf")
   ? "Lionel Standard Gauge Classics"
   make_html_pricelist("mbpllistcl.html","Lionel Standard Gauge Classics","data\temp_pllistcl")
   drop table "data\temp_pllistcl"
if file("data\temp_plipap.dbf")
   ? "Lionel Paper"
   make_html_pricelist("mbplipap.html","Lionel Paper","data\temp_plipap")
   drop table "data\temp_plipap"
if file("data\temp_pllits.dbf")
   ? "Lionel Track & Supplies"
   make_html_pricelist("mbpllits.html","Lionel Track & Supplies","data\temp_pllits")
   drop table "data\temp_pllits"
if file("data\temp_pllitr.dbf")
   ? "Lionel Transformers"
   make_html_pricelist("mbpllitr.html","Lionel Transformers","data\temp_pllitr")
   drop table "data\temp_pllitr"
? "Seconds", seconds() - s

set safety off
s = seconds()
*    Remove the leading / to uncomment this SQL statement

// Create temp_table for K-Line Electric Trains

select part_no,title,grade,cast(extract(year from sdate) as int) yr,;
cast(asell as int) asell1 from 'data\master' ;
where asell > 0 and upper(mfg) like "%K_LINE%" ;
order by part_no ;
save to "data\temp_pkline"

*    Remove the leading / to uncomment this SQL statement

// Create temp_table for LGB Trains

select part_no,title,grade,cast(extract(year from sdate) as int) yr,;
cast(asell as int) asell1 from 'data\master' ;
where asell > 0 and upper(mfg) like "%LGB%" ;
order by part_no ;
save to "data\temp_pllgb"

*    Remove the leading / to uncomment this SQL statement

// Create temp_table for Mike's Train House

select part_no,title,grade,cast(extract(year from sdate) as int) yr,;
cast(asell as int) asell1 from 'data\master' ;
where asell > 0 and upper(mfg) like "%MIKE%" ;
order by part_no ;
save to "data\temp_pmth"

*    Remove the leading / to uncomment this SQL statement

// Create temp_table for Weaver Trains

select part_no,title,grade,cast(extract(year from sdate) as int) yr,;
cast(asell as int) asell1 from 'data\master' ;
where asell > 0 and upper(mfg) like "%WEAVER%" ;
order by part_no ;
save to "data\temp_plwe"

*    Remove the leading / to uncomment this SQL statement

// Create temp_table for Williams Trains

select part_no,title,grade,cast(extract(year from sdate) as int) yr,;
cast(asell as int) asell1 from 'data\master' ;
where asell > 0 and upper(mfg) like "%WILLIAMS%" ;
order by part_no ;
save to "data\temp_plwi"

/*    Remove the leading / to uncomment this SQL statement

// Create temp_table for American Flyer Pre War (1906-1946)

select part_no,title,grade,cast(extract(year from sdate) as int) yr,;
cast(asell as int) asell1 from 'data\master' ;
where asell > 0 and upper(mfg) like "%AMERICAN%" ;
order by part_no ;
save to "data\temp_pgafpre"

/*    Remove the leading / to uncomment this SQL statement

// Create temp_table for American Flyer S Gauge (1946-1966)

select part_no,title,grade,cast(extract(year from sdate) as int) yr,;
cast(asell as int) asell1 from 'data\master' ;
where asell > 0 and upper(mfg) like "%AMERICAN%" ;
order by part_no ;
save to "data\temp_pgafs"

/*    Remove the leading / to uncomment this SQL statement

// Create temp_table for American Flyer Modern (1979-Current)

select part_no,title,grade,cast(extract(year from sdate) as int) yr,;
cast(asell as int) asell1 from 'data\master' ;
where asell > 0 and upper(mfg) like "%AMERICAN%" ;
order by part_no ;
save to "data\temp_pgafmpcn"

/*    Remove the leading / to uncomment this SQL statement

// Create temp_table for American Flyer Paper

select part_no,title,grade,cast(extract(year from sdate) as int) yr,;
cast(asell as int) asell1 from 'data\master' ;
where asell > 0 and upper(mfg) like "%AMERICAN%" ;
order by part_no ;
save to "data\temp_pgafpap"

/*    Remove the leading / to uncomment this SQL statement

// Create temp_table for Marx Joy Line

select part_no,title,grade,cast(extract(year from sdate) as int) yr,;
cast(asell as int) asell1 from 'data\master' ;
where asell > 0 and upper(mfg) like "%MARX%" ;
order by part_no ;
save to "data\temp_plmxjl"

/*    Remove the leading / to uncomment this SQL statement

// Create temp_table for Marx Engines

select part_no,title,grade,cast(extract(year from sdate) as int) yr,;
cast(asell as int) asell1 from 'data\master' ;
where asell > 0 and upper(mfg) like "%MARX%" ;
order by part_no ;
save to "data\temp_plmxen"

/*    Remove the leading / to uncomment this SQL statement

// Create temp_table for Marx Passenger Cars

select part_no,title,grade,cast(extract(year from sdate) as int) yr,;
cast(asell as int) asell1 from 'data\master' ;
where asell > 0 and upper(mfg) like "%MARX%" ;
order by part_no ;
save to "data\temp_plmxpa"

/*    Remove the leading / to uncomment this SQL statement

// Create temp_table for Marx 4 Wheel Rolling Stock

select part_no,title,grade,cast(extract(year from sdate) as int) yr,;
cast(asell as int) asell1 from 'data\master' ;
where asell > 0 and upper(mfg) like "%MARX%" ;
order by part_no ;
save to "data\temp_plmxrsf"

/*    Remove the leading / to uncomment this SQL statement

// Create temp_table for Marx 8 Wheel Rolling Stock

select part_no,title,grade,cast(extract(year from sdate) as int) yr,;
cast(asell as int) asell1 from 'data\master' ;
where asell > 0 and upper(mfg) like "%MARX%" ;
order by part_no ;
save to "data\temp_plmxrse"

/*    Remove the leading / to uncomment this SQL statement

// Create temp_table for Marx Accessories

select part_no,title,grade,cast(extract(year from sdate) as int) yr,;
cast(asell as int) asell1 from 'data\master' ;
where asell > 0 and upper(mfg) like "%MARX%" ;
order by part_no ;
save to "data\temp_plmxac"

/*    Remove the leading / to uncomment this SQL statement

// Create temp_table for Marx Track & Supplies

select part_no,title,grade,cast(extract(year from sdate) as int) yr,;
cast(asell as int) asell1 from 'data\master' ;
where asell > 0 and upper(mfg) like "%MARX%" ;
order by part_no ;
save to "data\temp_plmxts"

/*    Remove the leading / to uncomment this SQL statement

// Create temp_table for Marx Transformers

select part_no,title,grade,cast(extract(year from sdate) as int) yr,;
cast(asell as int) asell1 from 'data\master' ;
where asell > 0 and upper(mfg) like "%MARX%" ;
order by part_no ;
save to "data\temp_plmxtr"

/*    Remove the leading / to uncomment this SQL statement

// Create temp_table for Marx Sets

select part_no,title,grade,cast(extract(year from sdate) as int) yr,;
cast(asell as int) asell1 from 'data\master' ;
where asell > 0 and upper(mfg) like "%MARX%" ;
order by part_no ;
save to "data\temp_plmxst"

/*    Remove the leading / to uncomment this SQL statement

// Create temp_table for Marx HO Gauge

select part_no,title,grade,cast(extract(year from sdate) as int) yr,;
cast(asell as int) asell1 from 'data\master' ;
where asell > 0 and upper(mfg) like "%MARX%" ;
order by part_no ;
save to "data\temp_plmxho"

/*    Remove the leading / to uncomment this SQL statement

// Create temp_table for Lionel Pre-War Standard Gauge

select part_no,title,grade,cast(extract(year from sdate) as int) yr,;
cast(asell as int) asell1 from 'data\master' ;
where asell > 0 and upper(mfg) like "%LIONEL%" ;
order by part_no ;
save to "data\temp_pllist"

/*    Remove the leading / to uncomment this SQL statement

// Create temp_table for Lionel Pre-War O Gauge

select part_no,title,grade,cast(extract(year from sdate) as int) yr,;
cast(asell as int) asell1 from 'data\master' ;
where asell > 0 and upper(mfg) like "%LIONEL%" ;
order by part_no ;
save to "data\temp_plpreo"

/*    Remove the leading / to uncomment this SQL statement

// Create temp_table for Lionel Post War Trains(1945-1969)

select part_no,title,grade,cast(extract(year from sdate) as int) yr,;
cast(asell as int) asell1 from 'data\master' ;
where asell > 0 and upper(mfg) like "%LIONEL%" ;
order by part_no ;
save to "data\temp_lionel_pos"

/*    Remove the leading / to uncomment this SQL statement

// Create temp_table for Lionel Accessories Post War

select part_no,title,grade,cast(extract(year from sdate) as int) yr,;
cast(asell as int) asell1 from 'data\master' ;
where asell > 0 and upper(mfg) like "%LIONEL%" ;
order by part_no ;
save to "data\temp_plliacp"

/*    Remove the leading / to uncomment this SQL statement

// Create temp_table for Lionel Diesel Engines

select part_no,title,grade,cast(extract(year from sdate) as int) yr,;
cast(asell as int) asell1 from 'data\master' ;
where asell > 0 and upper(mfg) like "%LIONEL%" ;
order by part_no ;
save to "data\temp_pllipwd"

/*    Remove the leading / to uncomment this SQL statement

// Create temp_table for Lionel Electric Locos

select part_no,title,grade,cast(extract(year from sdate) as int) yr,;
cast(asell as int) asell1 from 'data\master' ;
where asell > 0 and upper(mfg) like "%LIONEL%" ;
order by part_no ;
save to "data\temp_pllielp"

/*    Remove the leading / to uncomment this SQL statement

// Create temp_table for Lionel Motorized Units

select part_no,title,grade,cast(extract(year from sdate) as int) yr,;
cast(asell as int) asell1 from 'data\master' ;
where asell > 0 and upper(mfg) like "%LIONEL%" ;
order by part_no ;
save to "data\temp_pllimzp"

/*    Remove the leading / to uncomment this SQL statement

// Create temp_table for Lionel Steam Locomotives

select part_no,title,grade,cast(extract(year from sdate) as int) yr,;
cast(asell as int) asell1 from 'data\master' ;
where asell > 0 and upper(mfg) like "%LIONEL%" ;
order by part_no ;
save to "data\temp_pllipws"

/*    Remove the leading / to uncomment this SQL statement

// Create temp_table for Lonel Passenger Cars

select part_no,title,grade,cast(extract(year from sdate) as int) yr,;
cast(asell as int) asell1 from 'data\master' ;
where asell > 0 and upper(mfg) like "%LIONEL%" ;
order by part_no ;
save to "data\temp_pllipcp"

/*    Remove the leading / to uncomment this SQL statement

// Create temp_table for Lionel Rolling Stock

select part_no,title,grade,cast(extract(year from sdate) as int) yr,;
cast(asell as int) asell1 from 'data\master' ;
where asell > 0 and upper(mfg) like "%LIONEL%" ;
order by part_no ;
save to "data\temp_pllirsp"

/*    Remove the leading / to uncomment this SQL statement

// Create temp_table for Lionel Sets Post War

select part_no,title,grade,cast(extract(year from sdate) as int) yr,;
cast(asell as int) asell1 from 'data\master' ;
where asell > 0 and upper(mfg) like "%LIONEL%" ;
order by part_no ;
save to "data\temp_pllistp"

/*    Remove the leading / to uncomment this SQL statement

// Create temp_table for Lionel HO Gauge

select part_no,title,grade,cast(extract(year from sdate) as int) yr,;
cast(asell as int) asell1 from 'data\master' ;
where asell > 0 and upper(mfg) like "%LIONEL%" ;
order by part_no ;
save to "data\temp_lionel_ho"

/*    Remove the leading / to uncomment this SQL statement

// Create temp_table for Lionel Modern (1970 - Present)

select part_no,title,grade,cast(extract(year from sdate) as int) yr,;
cast(asell as int) asell1 from 'data\master' ;
where asell > 0 and upper(mfg) like "%LIONEL%" ;
order by part_no ;
save to "data\temp_lionel_mod"

/*    Remove the leading / to uncomment this SQL statement

// Create temp_table for Lionel Accessories Modern

select part_no,title,grade,cast(extract(year from sdate) as int) yr,;
cast(asell as int) asell1 from 'data\master' ;
where asell > 0 and upper(mfg) like "%LIONEL%" ;
order by part_no ;
save to "data\temp_plliacm"

/*    Remove the leading / to uncomment this SQL statement

// Create temp_table for Lionel Engines Modern Diesel

select part_no,title,grade,cast(extract(year from sdate) as int) yr,;
cast(asell as int) asell1 from 'data\master' ;
where asell > 0 and upper(mfg) like "%LIONEL%" ;
order by part_no ;
save to "data\temp_plliem"

/*    Remove the leading / to uncomment this SQL statement

// Create temp_table for Lionel Electric Locos

select part_no,title,grade,cast(extract(year from sdate) as int) yr,;
cast(asell as int) asell1 from 'data\master' ;
where asell > 0 and upper(mfg) like "%LIONEL%" ;
order by part_no ;
save to "data\temp_pllielm"

/*    Remove the leading / to uncomment this SQL statement

// Create temp_table for Lionel Motorized Units MPC

select part_no,title,grade,cast(extract(year from sdate) as int) yr,;
cast(asell as int) asell1 from 'data\master' ;
where asell > 0 and upper(mfg) like "%LIONEL%" ;
order by part_no ;
save to "data\temp_pllimzm"

/*    Remove the leading / to uncomment this SQL statement

// Create temp_table for Lionel Steam Engines (1901-19420

select part_no,title,grade,cast(extract(year from sdate) as int) yr,;
cast(asell as int) asell1 from 'data\master' ;
where asell > 0 and upper(mfg) like "%LIONEL%" ;
order by part_no ;
save to "data\temp_plliems"

/*    Remove the leading / to uncomment this SQL statement

// Create temp_table for Lionel Modern Passenger Cars

select part_no,title,grade,cast(extract(year from sdate) as int) yr,;
cast(asell as int) asell1 from 'data\master' ;
where asell > 0 and upper(mfg) like "%LIONEL%" ;
order by part_no ;
save to "data\temp_pllipcm"

/*    Remove the leading / to uncomment this SQL statement

// Create temp_table for Lionel Modern Rolling Stock

select part_no,title,grade,cast(extract(year from sdate) as int) yr,;
cast(asell as int) asell1 from 'data\master' ;
where asell > 0 and upper(mfg) like "%LIONEL%" ;
order by part_no ;
save to "data\temp_pllirsm"

/*    Remove the leading / to uncomment this SQL statement

// Create temp_table for Lionel Sets Modern

select part_no,title,grade,cast(extract(year from sdate) as int) yr,;
cast(asell as int) asell1 from 'data\master' ;
where asell > 0 and upper(mfg) like "%LIONEL%" ;
order by part_no ;
save to "data\temp_pllistm"

/*    Remove the leading / to uncomment this SQL statement

// Create temp_table for Lionel O Gauge Classics

select part_no,title,grade,cast(extract(year from sdate) as int) yr,;
cast(asell as int) asell1 from 'data\master' ;
where asell > 0 and upper(mfg) like "%LIONEL%" ;
order by part_no ;
save to "data\temp_plliocl"

/*    Remove the leading / to uncomment this SQL statement

// Create temp_table for Lionel Standard Gauge Classics

select part_no,title,grade,cast(extract(year from sdate) as int) yr,;
cast(asell as int) asell1 from 'data\master' ;
where asell > 0 and upper(mfg) like "%LIONEL%" ;
order by part_no ;
save to "data\temp_pllistcl"

/*    Remove the leading / to uncomment this SQL statement

// Create temp_table for Lionel Paper

select part_no,title,grade,cast(extract(year from sdate) as int) yr,;
cast(asell as int) asell1 from 'data\master' ;
where asell > 0 and upper(mfg) like "%LIONEL%" ;
order by part_no ;
save to "data\temp_plipap"

/*    Remove the leading / to uncomment this SQL statement

// Create temp_table for Lionel Track & Supplies

select part_no,title,grade,cast(extract(year from sdate) as int) yr,;
cast(asell as int) asell1 from 'data\master' ;
where asell > 0 and upper(mfg) like "%LIONEL%" ;
order by part_no ;
save to "data\temp_pllits"

/*    Remove the leading / to uncomment this SQL statement

// Create temp_table for Lionel Transformers

select part_no,title,grade,cast(extract(year from sdate) as int) yr,;
cast(asell as int) asell1 from 'data\master' ;
where asell > 0 and upper(mfg) like "%LIONEL%" ;
order by part_no ;
save to "data\temp_pllitr"

set safety on
? "Seconds", seconds() - s