Subject Re: oodml coversion
From Charlie <>
Date Mon, 23 May 2016 15:54:29 -0400
Newsgroups dbase.getting-started

Mervyn Bick Wrote:

> On 22/05/2016 09:05, Charlie wrote:
> > I am starting to convert this xdml code to oodml code.
> >
> > I believe there may be a couple of ways to do this.  As you can see in xdml I have several filters set based on what radio button is selected.  Can I filter in a similar way in oodml or would I be better off to define each filter  in new queries?
> There is almost always more than one way to do something.  In fact it's
> usually 12 programmers, a dozen ways. :-)
> Yes, you can filter in much the same way that you have been doing BUT (
> :-) ) filter expressions for OODML rowsets are SQL expressions.  This
> means you can't incorporate today(), which is dBASE and not SQL,
> directly into the filter expression as you have been doing.  So, while
> it can be done the code would tend to be "messy".
> The way I would do it is shown in the attached example.  Bear in mind
> though that you are likely to get as many different ideas as answers.
> So, while this is the Bick way, there may well be a Better way.
> The query in the form is parameter driven so that today's date can
> easily be passed into it.  The resulting rowset has calculated fields
> for the number of orders for each customer in the past 7 days, the past
> 30 days, the past 90 days, the past year and the past two years.
> The example, as it stands, makes no provision for varying the 7 day
> period.  It is, however, a simple matter to add a second parameter to
> deal with this.
> Because a query can handle a parameter as well as a between predicate in
> a where clause the coding becomes much "cleaner" than a filter would be.
>    Each day when you start the form a new set of values is calculated
> automatically.
> Once the query has been set up the filters become dead simple.  It is
> simply a matter of checking for a value greater than 0 in the
> appropriate calculated field.  To find your loyal customers all you need
> to do is filter for > 10 in the 2year field.
> It's not written on tablets of stone but temporary files should be a
> last resort.  The code to send the emails should be incorporated into
> this form.  The rowset has already been whittled down to the customers
> you want to email.  Simply loop through the rowset and send them.
> Mervyn.
> ** END HEADER -- do not remove this line
> //
> // Generated on 2016/05/23
> //
> parameter bModal
> local f
> f = new email1Form()
> if (bModal)
>    f.mdi = false // ensure not MDI
>    f.readModal()
> else
> endif
> class email1Form of FORM
>    with (this)
>       onOpen = class::FORM_ONOPEN
>       height = 28.6364
>       left = 34.1429
>       top = 0.5
>       width = 114.4286
>       text = ""
>    endwith
>    this.DBASESAMPLES1 = new DATABASE(this)
>    with (this.DBASESAMPLES1)
>       left = 7.0
>       databaseName = "DBASESAMPLES"
>       active = true
>    endwith
>    this.CUSTOMERS1 = new QUERY(this)
>    with (this.CUSTOMERS1)
>       left = 26.0
>       database = form.dbasesamples1
>       sql = "Select customers.CustomerID,customers.Company,Count(o.OrderDate) As c7,"
>       sql +="Count(o1.OrderDate) As c30,Count(o2.OrderDate) As c90,"
>       sql +="Count(o3.OrderDate) As c365,Count(o4.OrderDate) As c730 "
>       sql +="From customers "
>       sql +="Left Join orders o On (o.orderdate between :d1 - 7 and :d1) and customers.CustomerID = o.CustomerID "
>       sql +="Left Join orders o1 On (o1.orderdate between :d1 - 30 and :d1) and customers.CustomerID = o1.CustomerID "
>       sql +="Left Join orders o2 On (o2.orderdate between :d1 - 90 and :d1) and customers.CustomerID = o2.CustomerID "
>       sql +="Left Join orders o3 On (o3.orderdate between :d1 - 365 and :d1) and customers.CustomerID = o3.CustomerID "
>       sql +="Left Join orders o4 On (o4.orderdate between :d1 - 730 and :d1) and customers.CustomerID = o4.CustomerID "
>       sql +="Group By customers.CustomerID,customers.Company"
>       params["d1"] = {    /  /  }
>       active = true
>    endwith
>    this.GRID1 = new GRID(this)
>    with (this.GRID1)
>       dataLink = form.customers1.rowset
>       columns["COLUMN1"] = new GRIDCOLUMN(form.GRID1)
>       with (columns["COLUMN1"])
>          dataLink = form.customers1.rowset.fields["customerid"]
>          editorType = 3        // SpinBox
>          width = 12.2857
>       endwith
>       columns["COLUMN2"] = new GRIDCOLUMN(form.GRID1)
>       with (columns["COLUMN2"])
>          dataLink = form.customers1.rowset.fields["company"]
>          editorType = 1        // EntryField
>          width = 32.4286
>       endwith
>       with (columns["COLUMN1"].editorControl)
>          rangeMax = 100
>          rangeMin = 1
>       endwith
>       with (columns["COLUMN1"].headingControl)
>          value = "CustomerID"
>       endwith
>       with (columns["COLUMN2"].headingControl)
>          value = "Company"
>       endwith
>       integralHeight = true
>       allowEditing = false
>       height = 18.0
>       left = 54.0
>       top = 2.5
>       width = 51.0
>    endwith
>    this.RADIOBUTTON1 = new RADIOBUTTON(this)
>    with (this.RADIOBUTTON1)
>       onChange = class::RADIOBUTTON_ONCHANGE
>       height = 1.0909
>       left = 4.0
>       top = 3.3182
>       width = 43.0
>       text = "Customers with orders in last  7 days"
>       group = true
>    endwith
>    this.RADIOBUTTON2 = new RADIOBUTTON(this)
>    with (this.RADIOBUTTON2)
>       onChange = class::RADIOBUTTON_ONCHANGE
>       height = 1.0909
>       left = 4.0
>       top = 5.6364
>       width = 43.0
>       text = "Customers with orders in last 30 days"
>    endwith
>    this.RADIOBUTTON3 = new RADIOBUTTON(this)
>    with (this.RADIOBUTTON3)
>       onChange = class::RADIOBUTTON_ONCHANGE
>       height = 1.0909
>       left = 4.0
>       top = 7.9545
>       width = 43.0
>       text = "Customers with orders in last 90 days"
>    endwith
>    this.RADIOBUTTON4 = new RADIOBUTTON(this)
>    with (this.RADIOBUTTON4)
>       onChange = class::RADIOBUTTON_ONCHANGE
>       height = 1.0909
>       left = 4.0
>       top = 10.2727
>       width = 43.0
>       text = "Customers with orders in past year"
>    endwith
>    this.RADIOBUTTON5 = new RADIOBUTTON(this)
>    with (this.RADIOBUTTON5)
>       onChange = class::RADIOBUTTON_ONCHANGE
>       height = 1.0909
>       left = 4.0
>       top = 12.5909
>       width = 43.0
>       text = "Customers with orders in past 2 years"
>    endwith
>    this.RADIOBUTTON6 = new RADIOBUTTON(this)
>    with (this.RADIOBUTTON6)
>       onChange = class::RADIOBUTTON_ONCHANGE
>       height = 1.0909
>       left = 4.0
>       top = 14.9091
>       width = 43.0
>       text = "Loyal customers (more than 10 orders in 2 years)"
>    endwith
>    this.RADIOBUTTON7 = new RADIOBUTTON(this)
>    with (this.RADIOBUTTON7)
>       onChange = class::RADIOBUTTON_ONCHANGE
>       height = 1.0909
>       left = 4.0
>       top = 17.2273
>       width = 44.0
>       text = "All customers"
>       value = true
>    endwith
>    this.ENTRYFIELD1 = new ENTRYFIELD(this)
>    with (this.ENTRYFIELD1)
>       height = 1.0
>       left = 67.0
>       top = 22.0
>       width = 8.0
>       value = 0
>    endwith
>    this.TEXTLABEL1 = new TEXTLABEL(this)
>    with (this.TEXTLABEL1)
>       height = 1.0
>       left = 77.0
>       top = 22.0
>       width = 17.0
>       text = "Records selected"
>    endwith
>    this.COMBOBOX1 = new COMBOBOX(this)
>    with (this.COMBOBOX1)
>       onChange = class::COMBOBOX1_ONCHANGE
>       onOpen = class::COMBOBOX1_ONOPEN
>       height = 1.0
>       left = 4.0
>       top = 22.0
>       width = 46.0
>       dataSource = 'array {"New stock has arrived","Fantastic savings","Extremely rare offerings for the next auction"}'
>       style = 1        // DropDown
>    endwith
>    this.PUSHBUTTON1 = new PUSHBUTTON(this)
>    with (this.PUSHBUTTON1)
>       enabled = false
>       height = 3.5
>       left = 71.0
>       top = 24.0
>       width = 15.2857
>       text = "Send  email to selected customers "
>    endwith
>    this.rowset = this.customers1.rowset
>    function COMBOBOX1_onChange()
>       form.pushbutton1.enabled = true
>       return
>    function COMBOBOX1_onOpen()
>       this.value = "Choose an email to send"
>       return
>    function RADIOBUTTON_onChange()
>       if form.radiobutton1.value =true
>          form.customers1.rowset.filter = "c7 > 0"
>        elseif form.radiobutton2.value = true
>          form.customers1.rowset.filter =  "c30 > 0"  
>        elseif form.radiobutton3.value = true
>          form.customers1.rowset.filter =  "c90 > 0"    
>       elseif form.radiobutton4.value = true
>          form.customers1.rowset.filter =  "c365 > 0"    
>       elseif form.radiobutton5.value = true
>          form.customers1.rowset.filter =  "c730 > 0"    
>       elseif form.radiobutton6.value = true
>          form.customers1.rowset.filter =  "c730 > 10"
>       elseif form.radiobutton7.value = true
>          form.customers1.rowset.filter = ""
>          form.customers1.requery()
>       endif
>       form.combobox1.value = "Choose an email to send"
>       form.pushbutton1.enabled = false
>       form.entryfield1.value = form.customers1.rowset.count()
>       return
>    function form_onOpen()
> = false
> //      form.customers1.params['d1'] = today()
>       form.customers1.params['d1'] = new date(2002,11,31)
> = true
>       form.entryfield1.value = form.customers1.rowset.count()
>       return
> endclass
> /*
> If the form is opened in the designer the SQL statement will be output as a long line.
> This copy is for easy reference.
>       sql = "Select customers.CustomerID,customers.Company,Count(o.OrderDate) As c7,"
>       sql +="Count(o1.OrderDate) As c30,Count(o2.OrderDate) As c90,"
>       sql +="Count(o3.OrderDate) As c365,Count(o4.OrderDate) As c730 "
>       sql +="From customers "
>       sql +="Left Join orders o On (o.orderdate between :d1 - 7 and :d1) and customers.CustomerID = o.CustomerID "
>       sql +="Left Join orders o1 On (o1.orderdate between :d1 - 30 and :d1) and customers.CustomerID = o1.CustomerID "
>       sql +="Left Join orders o2 On (o2.orderdate between :d1 - 90 and :d1) and customers.CustomerID = o2.CustomerID "
>       sql +="Left Join orders o3 On (o3.orderdate between :d1 - 365 and :d1) and customers.CustomerID = o3.CustomerID "
>       sql +="Left Join orders o4 On (o4.orderdate between :d1 - 730 and :d1) and customers.CustomerID = o4.CustomerID "
>       sql +="Group By customers.CustomerID,customers.Company"
> */
Hi Mervyn..

Thanks very much!  I'll start working on this.  I miss coding and this will give me something to learn!