Subject Databuttons not visible on compiled form
From Rich Gent <>
Date Mon, 25 Apr 2016 12:36:18 -0400
Newsgroups dbase.getting-started
Attachment(s) NewItem.wfm

I built a form to enter information for new items in a inventory file. Used push buttons from the standard menu, they worked fine, added buttons from (first, last, next, previous). They show up on the form during design but not when form is run. Push buttons from the standard tab on the component pallet do work.

Also having problem filtering records for this form. Tried sgl=select * from invdb1 where start_date=date()) didn't work. I can create a memory variable CurDate=date() and set it as the rowset filter and that works. I can open the dbf  from the command line and set filter to date() then browse and that works. Would really like to do it from the sql.