Subject Re: indexing nightmare!!
From WJS <>
Date Tue, 2 Feb 2016 20:53:03 +0200
Newsgroups dbase.getting-started

On 2016-02-02 12:43 AM, Charlie wrote:
> Came up with a solution that works on my laptop but not on my main computer.  It should work on both I would think.....
> index on lname+fname+str({12/31/2000}-sdate,8) tag yellow.
> .... Why would it work on one computer and not the other??  In the structure of histinv (which is the table) I modified sdate to descending.  I had it exactly the same on both computers I thought.  Not sure what I'm doing.  Help!!

Just some thoughts

Are the global language settings exactly the same on both PC's
   (Control Panel > Region)
Are the language and LDriver settings in your ini files on both PC's
exactly the same ? (under [CommandSettings] section)
Are both PC's BDE settings exactly the same ?

All these settings have an influence on creating tables and indexing
