Subject Adapting InitNewUser.prg for own application
From Pieter van Heerden <>
Date Sat, 05 Apr 2014 10:20:53 -0400
Newsgroups dbase.getting-started

I am not quite sure how to adapt the InintNewUser.prg and related files for my application.  Take the following scenario:

1.  Application name: "Sapwat3", will run as application on both 32-bit and 64-bit computers.
2.  Operating systems to run under: Windows XP through Windows 8, no foreknowledge and/or control over who will use the application and under what system it will be run (this also has an implication for how manifest files will be handled).
3.  No sub-directories under the application directory.
4.  Database alias and path:
    - "sapwat"; c:\sapwat3\tables
    - "sapwatweather"; c:\sapwat3\tables\weatherdata
    - "sapwatdwb+; c:\sapwat3\tables\sapwatdwb