Subject Re: Windows 8 - dBase 2.8 installation incompatability?
From Pieter van Heerden <>
Date Fri, 04 Apr 2014 09:43:02 -0400
Newsgroups dbase.getting-started

Making progress of sorts, thanks to advice received.

If I run my application under Windows 8, starting in dBase through the Applicationname.prg, the application runs sweetly, with everything in place.  If I install on Windows 8 , I get an error message on Windows 8: "Could not load plusrun.exe, error 740".  The advised additions/changes have been made.

If I install  on a Windows 7 computer, the application runs, except that it links up to a wrong menu file, its menu is replaced by another one.

If I install it on an XP computer, it starts up, shows the flash screen and then dies off.

Just a reminder of one of my earlier postings, this is an upgrade of an application that was developed on an XP computer many years ago and that runs sweetly on anything from an XP to a W7 computer.

Any suggestions please?

Ken Mayer [dBVIP] Wrote:

> On 4/2/2014 5:53 AM, Pieter van Heerden wrote:
> > Thanks Ken.  I have further problem, I am now working/developing in
> > Windows 8, and some of the manifest files you refer to are just  not
> > there.  Under .../Runtime there is no bdeadmin.manifest file, and
> > there are a number of BDEVista and BDEXp manifest files, all Vista
> > files apparently related to start-up level (highest, admin, invoker).
> > And the file OandA you refer to just does not exist, unless it is
> > hidden somewhere else.
> >
> > I have in the mean time used the plusrun manifest file and changed
> > its name and content as per your instruction and loaded it into the
> > project filed.  The plusrun manifest file has also been loaded into
> > the project file.  If you could please solve above problem for me.
> >
> > Thanks so far.
> The OANDA manifest file is for the application I am deploying in the
> example, so it shouldn't be there -- . You should be able to get the
> manifest files from the dBASE site, if nothing else. I copied the
> manifest files into the runtime folder, and that's where I deploy them
> from (put them into my setup routines).
> This is the content of the Oanda.exe.manifest file, you would want to
> modify it for your own executable:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
> <assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0">
> <assemblyIdentity
>      version=""
>      processorArchitecture="X86"
>      name="OandA.EXE"
>      type="win32"
> />
> <description>OandA.EXE Manifest</description>
> <dependency>
>          <dependentAssembly>
>                  <assemblyIdentity
>                          type="win32"
>                          name="Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls"
>                          version=""
>                          processorArchitecture="X86"
>                          publicKeyToken="6595b64144ccf1df"
>                          language="*"
>                  />
>          </dependentAssembly>
> </dependency>
> <trustInfo xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3">
>      <security>
>          <requestedPrivileges>
>              <requestedExecutionLevel level="asInvoker" uiAccess="false"/>
>          </requestedPrivileges>
>      </security>
> </trustInfo>
> </assembly>
> --
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> /(Opinions expressed are purely my own, not those of dBase, LLC)/
> *Ken Mayer* [dBVIPS]
> /Golden Stag Productions/
> dBASE at goldenstag dot net